Curriculum Vitae of Peter Van Osta

Personal information

Peter Van Osta Peter Van Osta
Belgium, Europe.
Email: pvosta{at}gmail{dot}com


Peter holds a Medical Doctor (MD) degree, a Master of Health Care Management and Policy, and a Physician Specialist in Health Data Management. Besides this, he holds a certificate of Management for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), a degree in biochemistry, and a Master of Philosophy (MPhil).

Fields of Interest:


Employment history

Ziekenhuis aan de Stroom (ZAS)

ZAS Vincentius
Sint-Vincentiusstraat 20
B-2018 Antwerpen

Since 1 July 2024, I am working for the Ziekenhuis aan de Stroom (ZAS) as a staff member of the Hospital Discharge Data/Cancer Registry (MZG/KKR) Department. Working on value-based healthcare (VBHC), clinical data science, process mining, and terminology. ZAS was created from the 1 July 2024 merger between ZNA (ZiekenhuisNetwerk Antwerpen) and GZA Ziekenhuizen.

Antwerp Hospital Network

ZNA Campus Sint-Erasmus
Luitenant Lippenslaan 55
B-2140 Borgerhout (Antwerpen)

Department of Clinical Data & Analytics

From 1 September 2021 until 30 June 2021, I was working for the Antwerp Hospital Network (Dutch: Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen, ZNA) at the Department of Clinical Data & Analytics on value-based healthcare (VBHC), clinical data science, process mining, and terminology.

Health Policy Management Support Department

From 1 October 2010 until 31 August 2021, I was working for the Antwerp Hospital Network (Dutch: Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen-ZNA) at the Health Policy Management Support Department as physician-manager for medical coding, part of our hospital discharge dataset (HDDS, based on ICD-10-BE, APR-DRGs, Minimal Clinical Data - MCD, MG-MZG). In addition I worked on clinical ontology, semantic interoperability (SNOMED CT) and value-based healthcare (VBHC).


Professional Services Division
A. Vaucampslaan 42
B-1654 Huizingen

From 2 September 2008 until 30 September 2010, I was working for RealDolmen (merger of Real Software and Dolmen), as Business Consultant.
Realdolmen has a broad portfolio of solutions and services. I worked on process and technology improvement projects, mainly in healthcare (eHealth), translational medicine and Life Sciences, assisted customers to improve their processes and technology and worked together with them on their change process so they achieved better operational results. We used an Enterprise Architecture (EA) approach in complex business (e.g.: mergers and acquisitions) and technology projects (applications, infrastructure) to (re-)align organizational goals, business processes and technology from top to bottom and from their current "AS IS" state to their new and optimized "TO BE" state.

Many thanks to my former colleague, Mario Van Damme (1973-2010), for teaching me a lot about Enterprise Architecture (EA).

Real Software

Real Software
Professional Services Division
Prins Boudewijnlaan 26
B-2550 Kontich

From 7 November 2005 until 1 September 2008, I was working for Real Software, first as Senior Consultant and from June 2006 until August 2008 also as Quality Officer. Our company became CMMI ML2 certified in 2006, for which I established the PPQA compliant Quality Office (CMMI Maturity Level 2 compliant QA process implementation).
I did process and technology improvement projects in healthcare and Life Sciences, thereby assisting our customers to improve their processes and technology and worked together with them on their change process so they achieved better operational results.
As part of our CMMI certification, I created the QA Office at CMMI ML2 for Real Software and as a Quality Officer worked on internal process improvement (CMMI ML2-3, PMI PMBOK) and implemented new processes in order to improve the performance and quality of our projects and the service towards our customers (improving project control during the entire project Life Cycle). As a QA Officer, I audited and coached our project teams to improve our project team performance and increase customer satisfaction. Therefore I also trained our colleagues on process management principles and project management skills (trained more than 300 people on all CMMI ML 2 process areas).

For our service management, I managed the implementation of the corporate helpdesk so we could improve our customer services. I managed the customer relations for our Ergomed and Ergomed Online Mobile (EOM) software (occupational medicine). Together with our colleagues of ORIAM in France, Real Software worked on solutions for Clinical Trial Management Systems (CTMS), Adverse Event Reporting Systems (Pharmacovigilance), and Biobanking (Biorepositories).
We developed our Enterprise Architecture (EA) assessment approach to align organizational goals, business processes and technology in complex business and technology projects (mergers and acquisitions, fast growing companies). Thereby creating a complete program to migrate an organisation from "AS IS" to "TO BE ".

The BioPharmaTechnology House

The BioPharmaTechnology House
De Biezen 22
B-2450 Meerhout

From 16 July 2005 until 1 September 2005 I was working as Senior Consultant for The BioPharmaTechnology House (BPTH) which develops technology for the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. The company is specialised in supporting pharmaceutical laboratories including measuring setups as well as laboratory information management systems (LIMS).


Cipalstraat 3
B-2440 Geel

From 2 July 2001 until 20 May 2005 I worked for MAIA SCIENTIFIC as Director Imaging Technology and IT.

Management of software development for the MIAS automated microscopy imaging and High-Content Screening (HCS) technology platform. Project management for development of an HCS software framework based on the MIAS-2 platform (eaZYX). Assay development and automation for cell-based assays, histology and model organisms, automated High Content Screening (HCS) systems and advanced multi-mode image processing software based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE), scale-space and the spatial color model (Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis, co-author of Chapter 18: Color differential structure, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003).

During this period I had an idea about a human cytome project.

Janssen Pharmaceutica

Janssen Pharmaceutica NV a Johnson & Johnson company
Turnhoutseweg 30
B-2340 Beerse

From 31 Dec. 1996 until 30 June 2001, I worked as Senior Scientist Biomedical Imaging at the Biological Imaging Laboratory team of the Life Science Department (project management, HCS development). I worked on assay development and automation for cell-based assays, histology and model organisms.

We worked on fully automated High Content Screening (HCS) and image analysis systems for drug discovery, preclinical and early clinical development. In my role I contributed to several research programs in CNS, oncology, cardiology and other disease areas. My main responsibility within the team was to develop imaging technology for research projects which required automated quantification of image data: (tissue) morphology, brightfield screening, High Content Screening (HCS), C. elegans projects and MRI for small lab animals. Our imaging team developed fully automated solutions (plate handling, cell incubators, automated illumination, cardiac cell stimulators, ... ) for both brightfield as well as fluorescence imaging. Part of this also involved time-lapse and real-time microscopy for dynamic in-vivo studies (e.g. Ca2+ ratio imaging). Our work was done in close collaboration with several research groups from different departments in the company. I was also involved in an initiative to start with MRI imaging of transgenic disease models.

During this period I also started a small company (DeNeMa), together with a friend, specialised in Linux systems for SME businesses. It was interesting to do and I learned a lot about starting a small business.

University of Antwerp

University of Antwerp (UIA)
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk, Antwerpen

From 1 Jan. 1996 until 31 December 1996 I worked at the Department of Biochemistry as a researcher on protein pattern analysis and bioinformatics. I worked for the Laboratory of Protein Chemistry (Prof. L. Moens, Ph.D.) and Molecular Genetics (Prof. C. Van Broeckhoven, Ph.D.). My main project was the follow-up and analysis of 2D PAGE for a project on Alzheimer Dementia (AD). For the analysis of the 2D PAGE I mainly used the BioImage software package on a Sun SPARCstation.
At the Laboratory for Molecular Genetics I was also responsible for bioinformatics and set up a Linux server for web-, print- and file serving (Mac and PC clients) and for bio-informatics applications. This way I learned a lot about using Unix (Linux) systems for biomedical research.

University of Gent

University Hospital Gent (UZ Gent)
Medical Genetics
De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Gent

From 1 April 1995 until 31 Dec. 1995 I did research at the Department of Medical Genetics of the University of Gent (RUG), Belgium (Prof. A. De Paepe, MD, Ph.D.). My main project was the follow-up and screening of mutations in the FBN1 gene of patients with Marfan Syndrome.
I started the first website of the Department of Medical Genetics in August 1995.

Lasion Europe NV

Lasion Europe NV
Kontichsesteenweg 40
B-2630 Artselaar

From 4 Oct. 1993 until 15 March 1995 I worked at Lasion Europe NV, (CEO T. Aernouts, MD) as a Project Manager (PM) for medical multimedia publications on CD-ROM (Production Manager Chris de Laet, MD). In order to improve the data- and workflow I developed an automatic multimedia document management system for the (pre-) processing of images and texts.

This job taught me a lot about efficient production planning and organisation. Besides this I learned to appreciate working with a team of highly qualified professionals on high-tech projects.

University of Antwerp

University of Antwerp (UIA)
Universiteitsplein 1
B-2610 Wilrijk, Antwerpen

From 3 Aug. 1992 until 1 Oct. 1993 I worked (community service) at the Department of Medical Genetics of the University of Antwerp (Prof. J. Dumon, MD, Ph.D.) on counselling for prenatal diagnosis and congenital disorders and research on the prenatal diagnosis for Spinal Muscular Dystrophy type I (SMA I). Besides this I started research on oncogenes in the disease process of Astrocytoma.
I introduced the international data communication on the Internet for the Department and improved the scientific computing and the computer support for the Department.

Student jobs


Primary school (1st to 6th grade)

Broederschool Sint-Jozef, Kapellen, Belgium.

From 1971 until 1977.

Secondary school (7th to 12th grade)

Moderne Humaniora (A.S.O.), Wetenschappen B
Sint-Lambertusinstituut, Ekeren, Belgium.

From 1977 until 1983.

University - Master/MD

Medicine ('bachelor', 'kandidaat')

Kandidaat in de Geneeskundige Wetenschappen
Hasselt University (UHasselt, previously LUC), Diepenbeek, Belgium.
Graduated on 15 July 1987.

Medicine (MD)

Doctor in de Genees-, Heel- en Verloskunde
University of Antwerp (UAntwerp, previously UIA), Antwerp, Belgium.
Thesis: Detection of Medium Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase as a cause of S.I.D.S..
Promoter: Prof. J. Dumon, MD, PhD, Dept. Medical Genetics, UIA
Graduated on 28 June 1991.

University - Bachelor

Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil)

Bachelor of Philosophy
University of Antwerp (UA), Antwerp, Belgium
Thesis: Een Arendtiaanse analyse van de moderne gezondheidszorg (An Arendtian analysis of modern healthcare).
Promoter: Prof. Geert Van Eekert, PhD, Department of Philosophy, UA
From 3 October 2016 until graduation on 13 September 2019.

University - Master

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Master of Philosophy
University of Antwerp (UA), Antwerp, Belgium
Thesis: Hoeveel strijd kan een democratie verdragen? Een analyse van de agonistische kritiek van Mouffe op het deliberatief democratiemodel van Rawls en Habermas (How much struggle can a democracy endure? An analysis of Mouffe's agonistic critique of Rawls and Habermas's deliberative democracy model).
Promoter: Prof. Patrick Loobuyck, PhD, Department of Philosophy, UA
From 1 October 2019 until graduation on 16 September 2022.

University - Postgraduate

G.A.S. Biochemistry

G.A.S. Biochemie
University of Antwerp (UAntwerp, previously UIA), Antwerp, Belgium.
Thesis: Research at the possibility of prenatal diagnosis of Spinal Muscular Atrophy type I by means of DNA research.
Promoter: Prof. P. Willems, MD, PhD, Dept. Medical Genetics, UIA
From 15 September 1992 until graduation on 6 July 1993.

University - Master after Master

Master of Health Care Management and Policy

Master of Health Care Management and Policy, Major in (Healthcare) Management
Vergelijkende studie naar de geografische en sociale spreiding van de patiënten van ZNA op basis van de MZG-gegevens uit 2009.
Promoter: Prof. D. Ramaekers, MD, PhD, Centrum voor Ziekenhuis- en Verplegingswetenschap, KU Leuven
Graduated on 4 July 2012.

Specialty - medicine

Physician Specialist in Health Data Management

Physician Specialist in Health Data Management (30/12/2013)

Additional education

Management and organization

Operational principles

Operational practice and technology

Language skills

Nederlands (Dutch): native speaker
English: good
Deutsch: gut
Français: base


People, Process and Project Management

Business Process Improvement (BPM, Lean).
Enterprise Architecture (EA) development (TOGAF 9).
Change Management.
Project management (CMMI ML2)

Information Technology (IT)

Software Engineering

Project Life-Cycle management: CMMI ML2 (PMBOK).
Operating system: Linux (Fedora), MS Windows
Version control system: Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
Bug tracking system: Bugzilla
Compiler: GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
Programming language: ANSI C, R, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
Structured Query Language (SQL): Transact-SQL
Markup language: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)


Office software: MS-Office Professional (MS-Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
Medical coding (ICD-10-CM/PCS): OAZIS (Xperthis), 3M Codefinder/Grouper (APR-DRG)
Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), MS Access
Data science: RStudio/R
BI: Microsoft Power BI
Internet: (s)FTP, HTML

Clinical experience

Medical genetics, University Hospital Antwerp (UZA)
Prenatal counselling (1992-1993)

Biomedical Science and Technology

Assay automation and High Content Screening (HCS)

High Content Screening (HCS) and High Content Analysis (HCA).
Image processing system development: Eazyx 2.x (M5 kernel), SCIL Image 1.4 (Unix)
Object detection based on differential geometry and the spatial color model
Robotics for sample handling, cell incubators, barcode reader, actuators, automated illumination, autofocus.
Communication (devices): Anerma SPEC4, TCP/IP (sockets), RS-232, RSv422
Microscopy reader automation (SGI, Linux) and remote control: Carl Zeiss Axiovert 100M and 200M, MIAS-1 and MIAS-2
Driver for motorized microscope XY stage (SGI, Linux): ITK controller combined with a Märzhäuser Wetzlar automated stage (MAC 4000 and VENUS 2 protocol)
Video, data capture: framegrabber software library (SGI video, MPEG-1, QuickTime on Linux), video processing
Quality management of digital imaging process (acquisition, analysis, quantification)

Bright field microscopy, fluorescence, phase contrast and Differential Interference Contrast (DIC).
Multidimensional microscopy: spatial (XYZ), spectral (wavelengths) and temporal (time).
Automated digital multi-mode microscopy.
Confocal microscopy.
Video microscopy and analysis (time-lapse, real-time).
Calcium (Ca2+) ratio imaging.


Book chapters

Front-End Vision and Multi-Scale Image Analysis
Bart M. ter Haar Romeny, Ed.
Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, the Netherlands. 484 pp., August 2003.
Hardbound, ISBN 1 4020 1503 8
Paperback, ISBN 1 4020 1507 0
co-author of Chapter 18: Color differential structure

Journal Articles

1. Prenatal exclusion of medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) deficiency by direct detection of the mutation with PCR.
J. Hendrickx, P. Van Osta, F. Eyskens, Y. Matsubara, K. Narisawa and P. J. Willems
Prenatal Diagnosis, 12, pp. 74-75, 1992.

2. Belang van de DNA diagnostiek van medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiëntie bij wiegedood.
J. Hendrickx, P. Van Osta, G.P.A. Smit, P. Van Reempts, K. De Boulle, P. Coucke and P.J. Willems.
Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 48, pp. 1089-1093, 1992

3. Computer analysis of two-dimensional electrophoresis gels: A new segmentation and modeling algorithm.
E. Bettens, P. Scheunders, D. Van Dyck, L. Moens and P. van Osta
Electrophoresis 18, pp. 792-728, 1997

4. Processing of apolipoprotein E in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with Alzheimer's disease.
I. Stevens, P. Van Osta, H. Geerts, G. Verheyen, M.-L. Van Hauwaert, P. Cras, S. Engelborghs, P. De Deyn, J.-J. Martin, C. Van Broeckhoven and L. Moens.
Alzheimer's Reports, Volume 1, Number 4, pp. 257-265, 1998

5. Color differential structure.
B. M. ter Haar Romeny, J.-M. Geusebroek, P. Van Osta, R. van den Boomgaard and J.J. Koenderink.
Scale-Space and Morphology in Computer Vision, Third International Conference, Scale-Space 2001
Vancouver, Canada, July 7-8, 2001.
Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2106, Springer pp.353-361, 2001
ISBN 3-540-42317-6

6. Coexpression of GSK-3[beta] Corrects Phenotypic Aberrations of Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells, Cultured from Adult Transgenic Mice Overexpressing Human Protein tau.
R. Nuydens, G. Van Den Kieboom, C. Nolten, C. Verhulst, P. Van Osta, K. Spittaels, C. Van den Haute, E. De Feyter, H. Geerts and F. Van Leuven.
Neurobiology of Disease, Feb., 9(1), pp. 38-48, 2002

7. The principles of scale space applied to structure and colour in light microscopy.
P. van Osta, J.M. Geusebroek, K. Ver Donck, L. Bols, J. Geysen, and B. M. ter Haar Romeny.
Proceedings of the Royal Microscopical Society, Sept., 37(3), pp. 161-166, 2002.

8. In Vitro Studies of Flemish, Dutch, and Wild-Type beta-Amyloid Provide Evidence for Two-Staged Neurotoxicity.
S. Kumar-Singh, A. Julliams, R. Nuydens, C. Ceuterick, C. Labeur, S. Serneels, K. Vennekens, P. Van Osta, H. Geerts, B. De Strooper and C. Van Broeckhoven.
Neurobiology of Disease, Nov., 11(2), pp. 330-340, 2002.

9.Cytomics and drug discovery.
Van Osta P, Donck KV, Bols L, Geysen J.
Cytometry A, 2006 Feb 22;69A(3), pp. 117-118

10.Extracting quantitative information from tissue-An industrial perspective.
P. Van Osta
Cytometry A, 2006 Jul;69(7): pp. 588-91

11. Infections and hospital bed-days among aging adults: a five-year retrospective study in a Belgian general hospital.
A. De Cock, D. Strens, P. Van Osta, B. Standaert
Frontiers in Medical Technology, 2022 Sept; 4

Technical notes

P. Van Osta
Digital Imaging - Nyquist sampling rate
Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 4, Nr. 8, pp. 371-372, 2002.

Oral Presentations

1. P. Van Osta
The Internet in biomedical research.
UIA, Antwerp, Belgium, 1992.

2. P. Van Osta
PC memory management with MS-DOS 5.
HCC-Belgium, Antwerp, Belgium, 1992.

3. P. Van Osta
Datacommunication I: background and technique.
HCC-Belgium, Antwerp, Belgium, 1992.

4. P. Van Osta
Datacommunication II: Internet, CompuServe and FidoNet.
HCC-Belgium, Antwerp, Belgium, 1992.

5. P. Van Osta
Multimedia: hardware requirements and applications.
HCC-Belgium, Antwerp, Belgium, 1992.

6. P. Van Osta
Informatics in genetics research.
UZG/RUG, Gent, Belgium, 1995.

7. P. Van Osta, J. Van Reempts
Morphometry and neuronal plasticity.
Janssen Research Foundation, Beerse, Belgium, June 1998.

8. P. Van Osta
Application of linear scale space and the spatial color model in light microscopy.
Spring Meeting NVPHBV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 12 April 2000.

9. P. Van Osta, K. Ver Donck
Getting more out of your Microscope.
Janssen Research Foundation, Beerse, Belgium, 24 March 2000.

10. P. Van Osta
Principles and applications of automated image analysis in clinical research and diagnostics.
Lesson in Clinical Biology, University Hospital Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 7 May 2002.

11. P. Van Osta
Automated Tiled Multi-mode Image Acquisition and Processing Applied to Pharmaceutical Research.
13th ProRISC workshop on Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 28-29 November 2002.

12. J. Geysen et al.
Seamless integration of target validation, assay development and HTS.
Plenary Session
SMi, 3rd annual Conference on Target Validation, London, United Kingdom, 7-8 April 2003

13. K. Ver Donck, P. Van Osta, L. Bols, B. Vanherck and J. Geysen
Ultra-sensitive multimode microscopic reading in HTS.
Session 3C - Applications of Biological Imaging
SBS-2003, Portland, Oregon USA, Wednesday, 24 September, 2003.

14. J. Geysen, P. Van Osta, L. Bols, B. Vanherck and K. Ver Donck
Solutions for the Challenges in High-throughput Cell Based Screening.
Plenary Session 5: From Proteins to Cells: Accelerating Cell Biology
Current Challenges In Biomolecular Screening, SEBIOT 2003, Madrid, Spain, 13-14 November, 2003

15. P. Van Osta
The application of Scale Space and the spatial color model in Microscopy.
ETRO Seminar, VUB, Brussels, Belgium, 14 January 2004

16. P. Van Osta, B. Vanherck, K. Ver Donck, L. Bols and J. Geysen
The M5 framework for exploring the cytome.
Plenary Session and Discussion: Human Cytome Project, Abstract p. 66
Focus On Microscopy (F.O.M.) 2004, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 4-7 April, 2004

17. P. Van Osta - session chair
A Human Cytome Project.
Round table discussion, Session LS 18, 27 Aug. 2004, (introduction by P. Van Osta)
13th European Microscopy Congress (EMC), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 22-27 August, 2004

18. P. Van Osta
Cytomics in Pharmaceutical Research.
7th EWGCCA Workshop, Session 2 23 Sept. 2004), Human Cytome Project
SCK/CEN, Mol, Belgium, 23-25 September, 2004

19. P. Van Osta
Cytomics in Drug Discovery
10th Leipziger Workshop Incorporating: 3rd International Workshop Slide-Based Cytometry
Heart Centre Leipzig GmbH and Max-Buerger-Research Centre, Leipzig Germany, 7-9 April 2005

20. J. Geysen, P. Van Osta, L. Bols, B. Vanherck and K. Ver Donck
Current and Future Applications of Automated Microscopy in Biotechnology and Drug Discovery Research
"Knowledge for Growth" Conference, Flanders Expo, Gent, 3 June 2005

21. K. Ver Donck, P. Van Osta, L. Bols, M. Moeremans, L. Geuens, B. Govaerts and J. Geysen
Non-Invasive Assessment of Cell Growth, Confluence and Compound-induced Inhibition on Unlabelled Primary Human Cell Cultures
SBS 2005, Geneva Switzerland, September 2005

22. T. De Clercq, P. Van Osta
Een interdisciplinair medicatiebeheer voor psychiatrische zorg
ICT Colloquium Automatisering en Zorgverlening, Affligem, Belgium, 22 May 2008.

23. P. Van Osta
CMMI from the trenches (implementation of CMMI Maturity Level 2 at Real Software)
Pronohau Know-How Seminars, Brussels, Belgium, 18 Sept. 2008

24. P. Van Osta
Implementatie van SNOMED CT in het EPD: secundair gebruik van data voor ICD-10-BE
Studiedag 'SNOMED CT: klare Taal', FOD Volksgezondheid, Pacheco, Brussels, Belgium, 25 Sept. 2015

25. P. Van Osta
Implementatie van SNOMED CT in ZNA EPD: 1 jaar later
Studiedag 'Terminology as a service', FOD Volksgezondheid, Passage 44, Brussels, Belgium, 23 Sept. 2016

26. P. Van Osta
Een nieuwe gezondheidszorg
Directie Informatiebeleid, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport, Den Haag, Nederland, 6 Dec. 2018

27. P. Van Osta
Infodag ICD-10-BE (Hoofdstukken 8, 9, 10, 11 en 15)
FOD Volksgezondheid, Brussel, 11 Dec. 2019

28. P. Van Osta
Federated analysis of data with OHDSI OMOP CDM - for better or for worse
Sciensano, Brussel, 16 May 2024

Poster presentations

1. D. Balériaux, Z. Patay, J. Brotchi, F. Rio, I. Salmon, P. Van Osta.
CD-ROM MRI of Spinal Cord Disease: a CD ROM tutorial
XV Symposium Neuroradiologicum, Kumamato, Japan, 25 sept - 1 Okt. 1994.

2. P. Van Osta, D. Balériaux, J. Brotchi et al.
CD-ROM MRI of Spinal Cord Tumors
Magna Cum Laude Citation for the scientific exhibit on the 33rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), April 1995, Chicago, USA, .
Prix Special Informag de 43eme journées Françaises de radiologie, October 1995

3. Study of CSF in Alzheimer Dementia: Two-Dimensional Polyacrylaminde Gel Electrophoresis and Computer Image Analysis.
L. Moens, I. Stevens, P. Van Osta, ML. Van Hauwaert, P. Cras, P.P. De Deyn, H. Geerts, J-J. Martin.
2nd Siena 2D Electrophoresis Meeting, Siena, Italy, Sept. 1996.

4. The timely relationship between Annexin-V-FITC staining and nucleus fragmentation in NGF-deprived PG12-cells. A multispectral microscopy study.
Gwenda Dispersyn, Peter Van Osta, Jan-Mark Geusebroek, Rony Nuydens, Roger Nuyens, Hugo Geerts
The 1997 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Society for Microscopy (BSM) took place on Saturday, November 29 at Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium.

5. High density C. elegans screening: a drug discovery platform applied to the steerin (Unc-53) pathway.
K. Ver Donck, I. Maillet*, I. Roelens*, L. Bols, P. Van Osta, T. Bogaert*, J. Geysen
Abstract-Poster, C. elegans Meeting, Michigan, USA, June 1999
* DeVGen, Gent, Belgium

6. High density C. elegans screening: an automated phenotype analysis platform, applied to the Unc-53 (Steerin) pathway.
K. Ver Donck, I. Maillet*, I. Roelens*, L. Bols, P. Van Osta, T. Bogaert*, J.Geysen.
Abstract-Poster, European C.elegans Meeting, Blankenberge, Belgium, May 2000
* DeVGen, Gent, Belgium

7. Application of linear scale space and the spatial color model in light microscopy.
P. Van Osta
First Discovery Day, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium, Nov. 2000.

8. Color Differential Structure.
B.M. ter Haar Romeny*, J.-M. Geusebroek***, P. Van Osta, R. van den Boomgaard***, J.J. Koenderink**.
Third International Conference, Scale-Space 2001, Vancouver, Canada, 7-8 July, 2001.
* Image Sciences Institute, Utrecht University (UU), Utrecht, the Netherlands
** Human Perception, Dept. Physics of Man, Utrecht University (UU), Utrecht, the Netherlands
** ISIS, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

9. Enhanced Analytical Performance of the C. elegans Flow Sorter COPAS BIOSORT: Automated Re-analysis of Populations in Multi-well Plates and Reading of Axially Distributed Positional Fluorescent Signals.
J. Geysen, S. Alam*, A. Ferrante*, P. Kalutkewitz*, P. Van Osta, S. Zusman*
Poster and oral presentation, European C. elegans Meeting, Paestum (Sa), Italy, May 2002.
* Union Biometrica, Inc, Somerville, MA, USA

10. Enhanced One-step Nematode Recognition on micrographs of Living C. elegans Cultures in 384-well Plates using Linear Scale Space Mathematics.
P. Van Osta, K. Ver Donck, J.-M. Geusebroek*, L. Bols and J. Geysen
Poster, European C. elegans Meeting, Paestum (Sa), Italy, May 2002.
* ISIS, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

11. Assays Beyond uHTS through COPAS Flow Sorting.
K. Ver Donck, L. Bols, R. Bongaarts, P. Van Osta, A. J. Brouwer*, R. M. J. Liskamp* and J. Geysen
Poster, MipTec, Basel, Switzerland, June 2002.
* Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University (UU), Utrecht, the Netherlands

12. At the higher End of High Content Screening: The MIAS HTS Imaging Device.
K. Ver Donck, P. Van Osta, L. Bols and J. Geysen
Poster, MIPTEC, Basel, Switzerland, June 2002.

13. Application of linear scale space and the spatial color model in microscopy.
P. Van Osta, K. Ver Donck, L. Bols, J. Geysen, J.M. Geusebroek* and B.M.ter Haar Romeny**
Poster, Joint Microscopy Meeting, Trinoculaire (France, Switzerland, Belgium, The Netherlands), Lille, France, 25-28 June 2002.
* ISIS, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
** Faculty Biomedical Technology, Biomedical Imageprocessing, Technical University Eindhoven (TUE), Eindhoven, the Netherlands

14. The Multi-Mode Mosaic framework for automated microscopy and analysis.
P. Van Osta, K. Ver Donck, J.M. Geusebroek*, L. Bols and J.Geysen
Poster, Scientific Digital Imaging Session, MicroScience2002, International Conference and Exhibition, London, UK, 9-11 July 2002, p. 32
* ISIS, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, the Netherlands

15. The application of scale space and the spatial color model in microscopy.
P. Van Osta, K. Ver Donck, J.M. Geusebroek*, L. Bols, J. Geysen and B.M. ter Haar Romeny**
Poster, Image Quantitfication Session, MicroScience2002, International Conference and Exhibition, London, UK, 9-11 July 2002, p. 33
* ISIS, Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, the Netherlands
** Faculty Biomedical Technology, Biomedical Imageprocessing, Technical University Eindhoven (TUE), Eindhoven, the Netherlands

16. Fast Assay Development for Multimode Microscopy Screening with a flexible HTS reader.
K. Ver Donck, L. Bols, P. Van Osta and J. Geysen
6th MipTec, Convention Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 12-15 May, 2003

17. Bead-Based Assays Using COPASTM Flow Sorting
K. Ver Donck, L. Bols, R. Bongaarts, P. Van Osta, A. J. Brouwer, R. M. J. Liskamp, J. Geysen, D. Perrault, R. Pulak
European Symposium on Combinatorial Sciences, Eurocombi, Copenhagen, 29 June-3 July, 2003

18. Time-lapse projection of real time video reveals substantial detail of C. elegans locomotion on agarose and swimming in liquid culture.
K. Ver Donck, P. Van Osta, L. Bols, R. Pulak, J. Geysen
14th Biennial International C. elegans Conference, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, 29 June-3 July, 2003

19. Automated assessment of cell growth, confluence and compound-induced inhibition using unlabeled skin-derived cells and brightfield microscopy
J. Geysen, L. Bols, K. Franssen, L. Geuens, B. Govaerts, P. Stoppie, K. Ver Donck, P. Van Osta, M. Borgers
65th meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, 28 April to 1-May, 2004

20. A system designed for exploring the human cytome.
P. Van Osta, B. Vanherck, K. Ver Donck, L. Bols and J. Geysen
Session IM 11: New microscopies and novelties.
Poster IM11.P04 Proceedings Vol. I, Instrumentation and Methodology, Abstract pp. 401-402
13th European Microscopy Congress (EMC), University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium , 22-27 August, 2004

21. A modular and flexible Solution-On-Demand model for clinical development.
T. Van Aken, E. Evens, G. Van Dael, P. Van Osta
Convention book, Poster 63, p. 346
Knowledge for Growth, Annual Flemish Biotech Convention, 16 June 2006, Gent, Belgium.

Publications on CD-ROM

1. H. Degryse, E. Van Moer, H. Fierens, M. Cremer, J. Devière, O. Le Moine.
CD-Gastro volume 1, Radiology and endoscopy of the upper GI tract, a professional service for medical training and information (French, Dutch - edition 1994).
Publication of Lasion Europe N.V., Antwerp, Belgium in collaboration with Astra-Pharmaceuticals Bio-Therabel, Belgium.

2. CD-ROM, Superficial mycoses from head to toe (Dutch, French, English - edition 1994)
Publication of Lasion Europe N.V., Antwerp, Belgium in collaboration with Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium

3. CD-ROM, Modern Medicine, Aesculapius Ceremony 1994 (English)
Publication of Lasion Europe N.V., Antwerp, Belgium in collaboration with Advanstar Communications USA

4. D. McLean, A. Sober
CD-ROM Illustrated Dermatology: synopsis of diagnosis and treatment
Publication of Lasion Europe N.V., Antwerp, Belgium in collaboration with Advanstar Communications USA (edition 1994/1995)

4. D. McLean, A. Sober
CD-ROM Illustrated Dermatology: synopsis of diagnosis and treatment
Publication of Lasion Europe N.V., Antwerp, Belgium in collaboration with Advanstar Communications USA (edition 1994/1995)

5. D. Balériaux, et al
CD-ROM MRI of Spinal Cord Diseases
Publication of Lasion Europe N.V., Antwerp, Belgium (edition 1995)

Conferences and Workshops










